How Do I Chat with a Client in the Waiting Room?

Therapist or Providers can virtually chat with a client in the waiting room. This can be done while in Session or on the Session's Dashboard

Using the Web

For the Web and to begin chatting with a client while on your Sessions Dashboard, select the chat icon beside the client's name.

If you are in Session and wish to chat with a client in the waiting room, select the Chat icon at the bottom of the screen

This will open a chat dialog box on the right, where you can type and send a message to the client. The client will be notified of this message and have the ability to respond. Clients can additionally initiate conversations with the Therapist or Provider while in the Waiting Room. 

If you wish to not receive chat messages, you can toggle the "Available for Chat" switch to disable. This is located in the Waiting Room on your Sessions Dashboard. 

Using the Mobile App

From the Mobile apps, to begin chatting with a client while on your Sessions Dashboard, select the chat icon beside the client's name. This will open a chat dialog box, where you can type and send a message to the client. The client will be notified of this message and have the ability to respond. Clients can additionally initiate conversations with the Therapist or Provider while in the Waiting Room.

If you wish to not receive chat messages, you can toggle the "Available for Chat" switch to disable. This is located in the Settings menu (three vertical dots)